Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Scary Cats ;-)

This scary duo, Wendel & Anjelica, belong to a very special friend who hasn't updated her blog for soooo long ;-) They aren't really scary, a little crazee perhaps :-) Unfortunately, I am extremely allergic to them so have to keep my distance when I visit :-(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheh - they do have slightly scary-on-the-edge eyes!

8:51 pm  
Blogger Hellkitten said...

Mind you I'd probably have the same look in my eyes if there was a person crouching down a few inches away from me taking photos ;-)
I was going to help identify our 'children' by telling you the difference in colour ... but that won't work particularly well given that these are black and white pics. So basically the 1st, 2nd and 4th photos are of Angelica and the 3rd one is of Wendel.
Cool pics - i'll have to try and do some more for my blog (and get round to actually posting them obviously ;-)

1:08 pm  
Blogger welshwitch36 said...

Yes, indeed you should ;-)

5:12 pm  
Blogger tobymarx said...

I once had a calico named Nimue that I found crying under a bush in the rain one night, a tiny little kitten. I don't know how she got there, but I took her home with me and that was the beginning of a long relationship. For the first six or seven months, she was TOTALLY crazee (being orphaned in the rain does strange things to the feline psyche, and calicos tend to be a bit on the crazee side to begin with). The scariest thing that ever happened was when she fell out of my window -- I lived on the third floor of a building at the time. She came out of it completely unharmed physically, save for a scraped chin, but utterly shaken up. After that experience, she mellowed considerably and our relationship improved vastly.

5:21 pm  

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